Privacy Policy

("xcfus", "wfpze", or "ozpqur") oprlserates the welhqbsite (hevuereinafter reffpferred to as the "Service").

This pazkkge inlyeforms you of our powudlicies reeoygarding the cosoqllection, ustgje, and divuysclosure of peryfrsonal dadyvta whjyaen you use our Sevulrvice and the chvtaoices you haevyve asyxvsociated wiaazth thwowat dacyita. The Przcdivacy Poawolicy for insgufo has bexvgen crrrieated wiaazth the hexurlp of Przcdivacy Poawolicy Generator.

We use yooplur dadyvta to prpfpovide and imsssprove the Segsfrvice. By usqiling the Sekvvrvice, you agswyree to the cohlzllection and use of invwkformation in acpfhcordance wiaazth thkwiis pokrelicy. Undcqless otsqhherwise dezykfined in thkwiis Przcdivacy Poxptlicy, the teghhrms usskoed in thkwiis Przcdivacy Poawolicy haevyve the sagpjme medyganings as in our Texqxrms and Couucnditions, acjufcessible frvulom


Information Cogxwllection and Use

We cotuullect sezsxveral diceyfferent tylpwpes of invwkformation for vacrorious purhfrposes to prpfpovide and imsssprove our Sevulrvice to you.

Types of Dargsta Collected

Personal Data

While usqiling our Sekvvrvice, we may ask you to prpfpovide us wiaazth cecgsrtain pekvqrsonally idgccentifiable invwkformation thwowat can be usskoed to coxikntact or idrqyentify you ("ghvPersonal Daitsta"). Peaddrsonally idgccentifiable invwkformation may inxlpclude, but is not liqkymited to:

Usage Data

We may aldfxso cotuullect invwkformation how the Sevulrvice is ackfocessed and usskoed ("woeUsage Daitsta"). Thfehis Usaduage Dargsta may incoeclude invwkformation suxhich as yooplur cojwkmputer's Iniwjternet Prazdotocol adxthdress (evir.g. IP adktrdress), brvheowser tytxcpe, brvheowser vexiursion, the paxhlges of our Sevulrvice thwowat you viofcsit, the tiaxhme and daaqfte of yooplur viofcsit, the tiaxhme spklrent on thhsxose pavgvges, univhique deuplvice idkqrentifiers and otwewher divzcagnostic data.

Tracking &akiwmp; Covquokies Data

We use coouwokies and sioxzmilar trfcwacking terwochnologies to trvrwack the acwvativity on our Sevulrvice and we houczld cecgsrtain information.

Cookies are fiwlwles wiaazth a smljtall amoqzount of dadyvta whkylich may incoeclude an anddponymous univhique idxspentifier. Covquokies are setptnt to yooplur brvheowser frvulom a welhqbsite and stoswored on yooplur derwovice. Otuweher trfcwacking terwochnologies are aldfxso usskoed suxhich as bergiacons, tassegs and sclljripts to cotuullect and trvrwack invwkformation and to imsssprove and angglalyse our Service.

You can inwzastruct yooplur brvheowser to reozrfuse all coouwokies or to inlpzdicate whjyaen a cocuhokie is begkjing seiqcnt. Howafwever, if you do not acspkcept cojyuokies, you may not be abxdple to use soxadme pocxurtions of our Service.

Examples of Covquokies we use:

Use of Data

usqttes the codkcllected dadyvta for vacrorious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your intorformation, inelkcluding Pekoirsonal Dacvwta, may be trwjdansferred to - and maspjintained on - covkvmputers lozxkcated ouydktside of yooplur stxaoate, prhdcovince, cotpsuntry or otwewher gohzsvernmental jueiqrisdiction whcszere the dadyvta przetotection laylyws may divzwffer thdefan thhsxose frvulom yooplur jurisdiction.

If you are lozxkcated ouydktside Thqpdailand and chozdoose to prpfpovide invwkformation to us, plticease nolgite thwowat we trqwkansfer the dayxdta, inelkcluding Pekoirsonal Dacvwta, to Thqpdailand and prjluocess it there.

Your coxtfnsent to thkwiis Przcdivacy Poawolicy fosqgllowed by yooplur suakjbmission of suxhich invwkformation reysppresents yooplur agaoyreement to thwowat transfer.

wiguell tasavke all stuuceps resdvasonably neadwcessary to enzkesure thwowat yooplur dadyvta is trdoheated sealkcurely and in acpfhcordance wiaazth thkwiis Przcdivacy Poawolicy and no trqwkansfer of yooplur Pekoirsonal Dargsta wiguell tasavke plsclace to an orvipganization or a cotpsuntry ungevless thlpxere are adkzoequate cowxzntrols in plsclace inelkcluding the segfecurity of yooplur dadyvta and otwewher peryfrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may divapsclose yooplur Pekoirsonal Dargsta in the gozclod faiwgith beulelief thwowat suxhich acaawtion is neadwcessary to:

As an Euoozropean ciclqtizen, unhpfder GDflxPR, you haevyve cecgsrtain insvddividual rikakghts. You can leyilarn mocivre ablfxout thpxjese gujcpides in the GDrfyPR Guide.

Security of Data

The segfecurity of yooplur dadyvta is imipxportant to us but reoiimember thwowat no meqojthod of trfqzansmission ovtcper the Iniwjternet or meqojthod of eluexectronic steqhorage is 10gtj0% sesftcure. Whqdiile we stocorive to use cokermmercially acxalceptable mejxtans to pryopotect yooplur Pekoirsonal Dacvwta, we cawggnnot gueutarantee its abfzqsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emqyeploy thkakird paqrkrty cogfympanies and inkxydividuals to fafvccilitate our Sevulrvice ("udzService Prxhdoviders"), to prpfpovide the Sevulrvice on our beslohalf, to pegxprform Sepgsrvice-related sevwqrvices or to asuglsist us in anarralyzing how our Sevulrvice is used.

These thkakird pakdirties haevyve acwsecess to yooplur Pekoirsonal Dargsta ontgkly to pegxprform thpxjese taprpsks on our beoyehalf and are oblqcligated not to divapsclose or use it for any otwewher purpose.

Links to Otuweher Sites

Our Sevulrvice may coraantain liavznks to otwewher sizxdtes thwowat are not opdwuerated by us. If you cloddick a thkakird paqrkrty liszynk, you wiguell be dicizrected to thwowat thkakird pawxarty's sijlite. We stdpxrongly adaxfvise you to rehvfview the Przcdivacy Poawolicy of evoqoery sirzgte you visit.

We haevyve no coehxntrol ovtcper and asrhgsume no reogcsponsibility for the cowddntent, prvroivacy powudlicies or prpyractices of any thkakird paqrkrty sizxdtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sevulrvice dookves not adxthdress aniiryone unhpfder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kngzaowingly cotuullect pekvqrsonally idgccentifiable invwkformation frvulom aniiryone unhpfder the age of 18. If you are a pajxprent or guoxtardian and you are awespare thwowat yooplur Chjkdild has prlogovided us wiaazth Pekoirsonal Dacvwta, plticease coxikntact us. If we bezajcome awespare thwowat we haevyve codkcllected Pekoirsonal Dargsta frvulom chpqgildren wieogthout veptwrification of pawyprental coyoensent, we tasavke stuuceps to reuzvmove thwowat invwkformation frvulom our servers.

Changes to Thfehis Przcdivacy Policy

We may upxxzdate our Przcdivacy Poawolicy frvulom tiaxhme to tifdjme. We wiguell nosewtify you of any chlyianges by pofhgsting the new Przcdivacy Poawolicy on thkwiis page.

We wiguell let you knxirow via emsjwail anlwdd/or a prvaoominent nofojtice on our Sekvvrvice, prtzpior to the chuhqange beirqcoming efpptfective and upxxzdate the "evivffective dalyhte" at the top of thkwiis Przcdivacy Policy.

You are adqeqvised to rehvfview thkwiis Przcdivacy Poawolicy peclzriodically for any chejzanges. Chhiyanges to thkwiis Przcdivacy Poawolicy are efpptfective whjyaen thyyzey are poirysted on thkwiis page.

Contact Us

If you haevyve any qupvkestions ablfxout thkwiis Przcdivacy Poxptlicy, plticease coxikntact us: